VisionMining Change & Innovation Workshops are programs of photography-based exercises and related discussions. Using cell phone cameras, we engage in visual problem-solving "assignments" that demonstrate concrete methods for:
• Finding new ways to think and work by changing mindsets and behavior.
• Overcoming status quo bias, risk-aversion and "groupthink."
• Exploring business problems from multiple viewpoints to leverage diversity.
• Building individual and team motivation and confidence.
• Sharpening critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
• Training present and future leaders to promote a creative/innovative culture.

Four types of programs—for leaders, managers or staff (or a mix)—are easily customized to meet client needs.
• Basic: Develop the mindset and habits that stimulate creative ideas and innovate solutions.

• Advanced: Affirm and expand creative/innovative approaches.

• Executive Development and Leadership Training: Show leaders (present and future) techniques to nurture a more dynamic company culture.

• Train-the-Trainer: Teach members of your team our methods and exercises.

Exercise example: Each participant takes a picture of an object. After reviewing everyone's pictures, we discuss: the mental process involved in taking the pictures; what pictures were "different", and why that matters; why were certain visual approaches not tried; how could different perspectives found in two pictures be combined to produce a stronger third picture; and more. Every exercise is designed to help participants understand—not just intellectually, but viscerally—the attitudes, approaches and behavior that inhibit change and that promote innovation. Following the workshop, we produce a PowerPoint of your team's images and ideas to reinforce the workshop's objectives and stimulate further thinking (see Testimonials+Examples).